
Promoting Workplace Inclusion Through Women Achieve

Promoting Workplace Inclusion Through Women Achieve


While diversity is a positive step, increasing diversity in the workplace does not guarantee equal opportunities. For example, a sales team might have to travel for business, or the language used in corporate documents and meetings may be gender-biased. To overcome this issue, companies should consider incorporating gender-inclusive language into their workplace policies, training, and communication.

Promote diversity

While it can be challenging to implement diversity initiatives within your company, it is possible to make it easier on both you and your employees. Many studies show that companies with gender and ethnically diverse executive teams outperform their counterparts on a number of metrics. And according to LinkedIn data, companies that promote workplace inclusion also tend to recruit and retain better. This is because diverse teams are more likely to capture new market audiences.

It is essential to invest in women's diversity and equity in order to build a truly inclusive and caring workplace. Companies that recognize the contributions of women will have more connected, more inclusive workplaces that foster better collaboration. Women feel more connected with their co-workers when they feel that their ideas are valued and respected.

Increasing diversity can lead to increased innovation and creativity. Gender diversity also challenges gender stereotypes and helps a brand be seen as inclusive. Moreover, research has shown that teams with more women have better conversations than teams with less women. It can also lead to more skill sharing and better knowledge sharing.

To achieve this, companies must consider gender diversity at all levels. This means hiring women, trans and nonbinary employees. It also includes ensuring that women have equal opportunities to advance. This means having women in leadership positions, a policy against workplace harassment and bullying, and a workplace culture that values diversity.

To ensure that women feel valued in the workplace, companies need to recognize the problems and take bold steps to remedy them. They must also create a culture that recognizes their contributions and rewards women leaders who have helped their organizations make progress. Women will be more likely to stay if they feel valued and respected.

While diversity and inclusion are often discussed in isolation, the two concepts are essentially the same. Diversity is about ensuring that every employee feels respected and safe in the workplace. Inclusion means that everyone's voice is heard. Inclusion requires continuous support, and leaders must be educated on unconscious bias and active listening. Creating an inclusive environment will result in higher productivity and engagement.

Foster inclusion

Diversity in the workplace can have a significant impact on company bottom-lines. Studies have shown that companies with diverse employee populations outperform those without. Thoughtfully designed diversity training can help employees embrace new attitudes and behaviors and speed inclusion efforts. This article will share some tips for developing a diversity training program that motivates employees to participate.

The first step is to define and understand what inclusion means to your organization. Creating an inclusive environment isn't a one-time event; it takes deliberate planning and action. You must make sure that all employees understand and are comfortable with the concept of diversity. An inclusive culture improves productivity, employee engagement, and retention.

In addition to ensuring that diversity is achieved across the workforce, women should be promoted to leadership positions. This will ensure that their talents are unlocked, and this can lead to increased profits and equity. In addition, diversity encourages innovation and creativity, which helps improve company bottom lines. Regardless of age, gender, or background, women need to be given equal opportunities in the workplace.

Another key component to inclusion is understanding and respect. Inclusion helps employees feel comfortable voicing differing points of view, gaining a sense of community, and feeling connected to the people around them. It also helps to create a friendly workplace culture. Research shows that organizations that foster diversity and inclusion have better performance. Compared to companies that don't have diverse employee groups, companies with high ethnic and gender diversity outperform their competitors by an average of 15% and 35 percent.

A study conducted by Limeade showed that inclusion leads to higher well-being and employee engagement. Studies have also shown that employees who feel included are more likely to recommend their company to others. Moreover, individuals who are part of a diverse environment have higher physical and mental health and take fewer sick days. A recent study found that organizations that support diversity also have more engaged millennials. The study also revealed that diversity initiatives improve employee engagement and profitability.

Gender equality requires addressing imbalances in the workplace. While some companies have been successful in achieving gender equality, many are still struggling. Increasing the number of women on boards, in management positions, and in teams is a critical step towards gender parity. Companies may invest in recruitment initiatives or set quotas for women to ensure that more women reach management positions. Governments are also supporting the gender equality agenda. The European Union, for instance, proposes a 40% quota for companies' boards.

Manage bias

As we push for gender equality, it's imperative to actively manage bias to create a diverse workplace. This doesn't mean that the number of female employees has to be equal to that of men, but it does mean that employers must take proactive measures to reduce unconscious bias among their employees. Fortunately, there are a number of resources available that can help organizations develop their bias-fighting skills.

First, organizations must educate employees about unconscious bias and establish a standardized mentoring process. Mentoring has been shown to help mentees obtain higher salaries, promotions, and raises. Taking the time to train employees to recognize unconscious bias and create a mentoring program to address it can have a positive impact on both mentees and mentors.

Another way to address gender bias in hiring and performance management is to standardize hiring processes. For example, interview questions should be uniform, and responses should be evaluated on predetermined criteria. Performance management practices can also be standardised across an organization by setting clear thresholds. Setting standards gives employees a benchmark to work toward, and it helps reduce the number of instances where less qualified employees are rewarded over higher performers.

Employers can also take proactive steps to reduce bias against women and minorities by creating a culture of openness and transparency. The policies should include an anti-discrimination policy, resources for reporting discrimination, and clear steps for filing complaints. In the event of an employee filing a complaint, the workplace should follow the procedure laid out for complaints and provide a timely response. However, the process should be transparent and easy for employees to follow.

Organizations should recognize the complex layers of gender inequality in order to successfully address these issues. To do so, employers should change the culture of the workplace and provide support to women. BetterUp can provide assistance to help organizations in implementing these changes and enhancing gender equality. There are many benefits to this strategy and it pays off in the long run.

As a first step, organizations should understand the concept of unconscious bias and the various ways in which it manifests itself. According to Stanford University Associate Dean Mohammad Bilal, unconscious bias is a combination of associations and feelings we hold about people. These beliefs do not match our conscious perceptions and are therefore more important to pay attention to.

Foster cultural humility

One of the best ways to promote workplace inclusion is to foster cultural humility among employees. This involves examining one's own values and beliefs. It also includes exploring differences in age, linguistic capability, sexual orientation, and family experiences. It's also important to consider how one views the community in which they live. Ultimately, the values and practices that one exhibits each day show others what they value.

Practicing cultural humility in the workplace can reduce stress for underrepresented employees. This type of workplace culture is best fostered by encouraging employees to approach every encounter with an open mind and a willingness to listen to others. This kind of attitude promotes a healthy team environment and reduces the power of in-groups over out-groups.

This concept can be applied to many aspects of workplace life, including health care. For example, cultural humility is an important tool for improving the care delivered by physicians. It can also improve the lives of patients, as it can help them deal with various health problems. By fostering cultural humility in the workplace, health care professionals can improve patient satisfaction, reduce rehospitalizations, and enhance care quality. In addition, cultural humility may have a direct impact on patient outcomes, including pain management, surgical outcomes, and general health.

In addition to improving health outcomes, cultural humility can improve research and development. For instance, cultural humility is a valuable tool for researchers who aim to improve health disparities and increase diversity. It is also a vital skill for those whose research will be used in clinical settings. For this reason, future health educators should be equipped with the necessary tools to promote cultural humility.

The key to fostering cultural humility is to understand the differences between different cultures. Having a good understanding of one's own culture will allow people to share their perspectives with others. If one's culture doesn't influence another person's circumstance, cultural humility can help them understand that their own circumstances might be affected by their own culture. For example, women of color are often underrepresented in executive positions.

It's critical for all stakeholders to foster cultural humility in workplaces. A lack of cultural awareness or sensitivity may prevent some people from reaching their full potential in the workplace. In other words, cultural humility is not a sham and should be actively practiced.

Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Inclusion in the Workplace

Organizations have increasingly sought to ensure that the workforce is representative of the diverse society that they serve. This research aims to explore the relationships between leadership and perceived inclusion in a sample of Norwegian faculty and academics. The findings support the hypotheses that social inclusion is influenced by leadership style and gender.


Organizational climate is a key component of inclusion and diversity management. Hence, a study is needed to investigate the antecedents and consequences of this climate. Using a national sample of human resource decision-makers, this study investigates the role of identity-conscious programs in generating an inclusive climate.

This study revealed that workplace envy was negatively related to core performance, OCBs, and learning behaviors, while positively related to abusive supervision, social undermining, incivility, and other forms of mistreatment. However, the study also identified positive outcomes.


Measures of perceived inclusion in the workplace focus on employees' perceptions of their inclusion status. While the effects of this perception on employee behavior have been studied in the past, the specific mechanisms responsible for their influence are not well understood. Using a social exchange perspective and a role identity theory, the authors of this study used survey data to investigate the effects of perceived inclusion on employee behaviors. The results indicated that employees are more likely to commit to their organization when they perceive that they are included in the company.

The authors used a twelve-item scale to investigate how different groups feel about social inclusion. These items asked participants to indicate their treatment of people with dissimilarities, or whether they felt included. The responses were rated on a bipolar scale to measure their level of inclusion. This study also looked at the role of work climate on inclusion.

Another way to measure employee inclusion is by examining employee satisfaction surveys. Many organizations use this method because it is time-efficient. However, many employees report fatigue with surveys, and they do not feel their answers will be completely confidential. Therefore, fewer people complete employee surveys than they would like. Therefore, organizations should consider combining quantitative and qualitative data in their survey.

Although the results of the study show that climate for inclusion and dissimilarity are related, it is unclear how both affect employee feelings of inclusion. Although a stronger sense of inclusion is not necessarily a cure-all, it is a worthwhile goal for an organization to strive for if it wants to improve employee performance.

The results of the study indicate that felt inclusion mediates the relationship between perceived deep-level dissimilarity and key work-related outcomes, including turnover intentions, commitment, and career advancement motivation. This research also indicates that felt inclusion buffers the negative relationship between perceived deep-level dissimilarity, and perceived positive climate for inclusion.

A positive climate for inclusion has a positive impact on employee satisfaction, turnover intentions, and job satisfaction. Inclusion also improves employee commitment and motivation to improve their skills. A positive climate for inclusion also reduces the effects of perceived dissimilarity on employees' health and happiness.


Inclusion is a key driver of employee performance. Employees who feel included are less likely to quit their jobs. However, it is not a magic wand. While it may not improve performance in every situation, it does help employees feel valued and included. This research focuses on the relationship between perceived inclusion and work-related stress and job satisfaction.

The study found that perceived dissimilarity among people who were not perceived as like them and those who did not identify as being like them negatively influenced these workers' sense of inclusion. The results also indicated that deep-level dissimilarity in a person's characteristics influenced the degree of their feelings of inclusion. These differences in self-reported levels of inclusion were related to turnover intentions, commitment to a job, and career advancement motivation.

Moreover, perceived inclusion is associated with higher levels of commitment to the organization. Employees who report receiving fair performance evaluations are twice as likely to feel included as those who do not receive them. Furthermore, having more than two sponsors has a positive impact on an individual's sense of inclusion.

Organizations need to adopt inclusive leadership and policies to foster an inclusive culture. This means that leaders should model inclusive behaviors in their own workplaces and actively invite the views and opinions of employees from different backgrounds. It also involves promoting diverse perspectives and establishing employee networks for those who are not often visible in the workplace.

The survey also showed that employees who feel inclusive are three times more committed to their organizations. As a result, they're more likely to stay in the same organization in the long run. They also consider the extent of inclusion in their organizations when making career decisions. Most of them would like their workplaces to foster this type of inclusion.

Inclusion is crucial for the mental health of employees, but it also has benefits for the company's bottom line. Research has shown that firms with diverse workforces have higher revenue and earnings.


This study examined how gender differences in perceptions of inclusion influence leadership behaviors. While the concept of inclusion is relatively new, it is an important one that has become salient in contemporary work settings. This study used a sample of faculty staff and academics from Norway to test the relationship between perceived inclusion and leadership. Results supported several hypotheses regarding the role of leadership in social inclusion.

The findings of this study also suggest that envy can be influenced by social comparisons and organization size. Organization size, position level, and social desirability were also associated with the experience of workplace envy. The social comparison theory posits that envy is a response to comparison and contrast, and the effects of such a reaction may be assimilation or harm.

The Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

Workplace diversity is a collaborative effort to remove implicit bias, reduce stereotypes, and boost innovation. This article provides an overview of some of the ways diversity in the workplace can be beneficial to a company. By breaking down preconceived notions and stereotypes, workplace diversity can increase innovation, collaboration, and profitability.

Workplace diversity is a collaborative way to address implicit bias

To create a diverse and inclusive work environment, it is essential to understand implicit biases and eradicate them. This includes changing cultural and personal norms, and fostering a supportive environment. Whether the workplace is small or large, implicit biases are present.

One collaborative way to address implicit bias is through workplace diversity training. Employees can take the Harvard Implicit Association Test to determine their unconscious biases, and then learn how they may affect hiring decisions, promotions, raises, and work assignments. This training can help employees recognize vulnerable touch points and implement changes to avoid biases.

When it comes to diversity, companies still have a lot to do. According to McKinsey and Company, the majority of employees are Caucasian, with only a small percentage of Black or Hispanic employees. A diverse cross-section of employees improves perspective and creativity.

Workplace diversity training also helps align the efforts of company-wide initiatives. In addition to teaching employees to recognize their own biases, it also empowers them to challenge others' behavior. For example, diversity training can help employees speak out against derogatory or insensitive remarks.

It helps break down preconceived notions

Diversity in the workplace can benefit both employees and employers. It can help eliminate bias and create an inclusive environment. There are numerous ways to incorporate diversity into the workplace, from trainings to hiring policies. However, the most effective approach is to implement an all-inclusive multicultural management style. This way, all employees feel valued and included.

Bringing diversity into the workplace can boost the creative energy of employees. It also gives them a different point of view, which can help them come up with better ideas and solutions. There are a number of research papers that discuss how diversity can improve management teams. One paper deals with proactive management teams that address both internal and external threats. Another one looks at gender stereotypes and how people communicate with each other.

Diversity in the workplace can improve morale by making employees more aware of their unconscious bias. If they are more aware of their biases, they can make more objective decisions and engage in more inclusive interactions. Many organizations are investing in unconscious bias training to create a more inclusive work environment. The trainings improve employee engagement and morale, and they establish a baseline of awareness.

Another way workplace diversity helps break down preconceived notions is to make employees feel comfortable with the diversity. If the workplace culture is hostile and people feel uncomfortable, they may leave. They might also call it racism or discrimination. If they leave, businesses will have to hire new employees, which can be costly for small companies.

It helps break down stereotypes

Stereotypes are a way of identifying different groups, and workplace diversity helps break them down. Stereotyping can affect everyone from the top level of management to the most junior employees. It separates teams and stalls creativity. It also causes lower productivity, increases anxiety, and reduces focus. If it persists, it can result in discrimination lawsuits.

The first step to break down stereotyping is to understand the root cause of it. Workplace diversity can be improved through proactive efforts to identify common traits among group members and promote the value of differences in problem solving. It can also be achieved by creating diverse teams. By minimising bias in decision-making, companies can improve efficiency and deliver better results.

Adding diversity to your workforce helps increase brand reach and competitive edge. However, achieving workplace diversity can be challenging, especially if the goal is to increase the proportion of women in leadership roles. Workplace diversity can be achieved through a number of strategies, including hiring more women, creating a safe environment for female employees, and ensuring gender equality in leadership roles.

Diversity can foster cross-collaboration and encourage creativity. For example, a multicultural workplace may encourage colleagues to speak up and take the initiative during meetings and negotiations. Additionally, local expertise is an invaluable asset and should be leveraged in the integration of teams. However, negative stereotypes between cultures are also a concern, as they can hinder knowledge transfer and negatively impact the morale and productivity of a company.

Workplace diversity training helps break down stereotypes and foster acceptance and appreciation in the workplace. It can include workshops and role-plays that help employees understand the cultural differences and avoid stereotyping. It can also include team-building activities such as Friday potlucks, which foster inclusiveness.

It increases innovation

Workplace diversity has been proven to increase innovation. According to a study by the BCG-Technical University of Munich, companies with higher diversity rates reported higher rates of innovation in their firms. It also showed that certain types of diversity were more beneficial than others, and identified specific steps that can help companies maximize the benefits of diversity.

Workplace diversity increases innovation in multiple ways. It fosters creativity by bringing together people with different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. It also helps managers leverage individual strengths. The Harvard Business Review studied six teams and found that teams with greater cognitive diversity had better performance. This may be due to the fact that diverse teams are faster learners, more innovative, and more creative.

Workplace diversity is a critical component of today's business strategy. Companies with diverse workforces are more likely to achieve business goals and increase innovation, and they also enjoy higher employee satisfaction. One such example is the German conglomerate Siemens, which employs more than 350,000 people and has nine divisions with expertise in renewable energy, power, building technologies, and industrial robotics. Despite its large size and complexity, Siemens has made it a point to make its management more diverse. The company's 20-member supervisory board includes people with a variety of educational backgrounds and experiences. Further, the board includes at least six women and four individuals born outside of Germany.

Diversity in the workplace also promotes higher returns on equity. Diverse teams are better able to understand customer needs and create a more innovative environment. Hence, they are more likely to succeed in sales and customer satisfaction. Diversity also attracts talented people.

It improves performance

A diverse workplace leads to better performance and greater innovation. Studies have found that companies with high diversity indicators outperform similar companies by more than twice as much. It turns out that diversity can boost employee satisfaction, as well. This article will examine how workplace diversity boosts employee satisfaction. In addition to higher productivity, diverse teams have better problem-solving skills.

In addition to fostering creativity and innovation, diversity increases team unity, which in turn leads to more effective decision-making. For example, a Harvard Business Review study found that diverse teams outperform similar teams of single decision-makers by 87%. This is because diverse teams come up with more creative solutions and have a more rounded perspective. Another study found that companies with diverse workforces also experienced higher profits. One study involving 180 companies in Europe found that companies with diverse top teams had higher profits than those without diversity.

Workplace diversity requires a big commitment from all involved parties. There is no single best practice for implementing diversity in the workplace. Every organization has different goals and cultures. The diversity practices you implement must align with these goals. For example, if you want to improve your company's culture and performance, you must adopt a diverse team.

When forming diverse teams, it's important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. This way, a diverse group can better communicate with each other. When hiring people with different backgrounds, you might find yourself hiring employees from different regions, or with different personalities.

Emerson US: We Value a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

We Value a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace  Emerson US

Diversity in the workplace is a business imperative in today's world, and people want to work for organizations that are inclusive of their differences. Incorporating diversity into your company culture is a powerful way to attract and retain talent. By taking the following steps, you can make your workplace a more diverse and inclusive place to work.

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is one of the key goals of Emerson US, and it is a vital part of the company's mission to make a positive impact on the world. Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace can be a difficult process, but it can be done. In this article, we'll talk about the process and benefits of an inclusive workplace.

To help achieve its goal, Emerson has taken several steps. First, it has established goals for having a diverse representation in leadership. It also launched an initiative called "Diverse Slates" to identify and recruit talent from diverse backgrounds. Second, it has created two employee resource groups, Somos (for Latin American employees) and the Asian & Pacific Islander Alliance (APIA).

Third, the company is committed to developing diverse leaders and cultures. Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace requires a commitment from leaders and managers alike. The goal is to create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming for everyone. For example, a diverse organization is more likely to have a diverse and inclusive workforce than one that is predominantly white and male.

Fourth, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace requires leadership that is committed to fostering inclusive excellence. Emerson US' Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which is led by Dr. Sylvia Spears, has increased its focus on inclusivity and its relationship with the local Boston community.

Finally, a company must be inclusive for its employees and its business. As a leader in the diversity and inclusion field, Emerson US strives to create an environment that is inclusive of people of all backgrounds. While this approach may be a challenge at times, it is one that must be embraced by all employees.

For example, the company's CEO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, and this includes a number of internal initiatives. The company has created an employee resource group for women engineers, called Emerson Women in STEM. The group is aligned with the Emerson SWE group, and operates under a similar structure. It has a Steering Committee and several regional groups that oversee day-to-day activities. In addition, it has a mission statement: "Aspire. Achieve."

Developing an inclusive culture

Developing an inclusive culture at Emerson US is a shared responsibility of the entire Emerson US team. Diversity and inclusion are core values and priorities at Emerson, and we are committed to promoting a culture of equal opportunity. To achieve this goal, we must embrace a diverse workforce and encourage the exchange of ideas and information among all employees.

To develop an inclusive culture, we must take a strategic approach. A strategic plan can help you identify the areas that are not working and then develop solutions. It can also be used to make changes to your current culture. This strategy should be based on research and data-driven insights.

A good approach to fostering an inclusive culture is to set the tone from the top. A culture that celebrates difference can foster creativity and innovation. It can also lead to increased productivity. A diverse workforce also enables better problem-solving. Diversity in leadership promotes a better understanding of the ever-changing world of work.

Developing an inclusive culture is critical to the success of an organization. It's not just about hiring people; it's about creating an environment where a diverse group can thrive. People are constantly interacting with each other and influencing the culture of the organization. Developing an inclusive culture requires continual professional development and bridging cultural differences. To create an inclusive work environment, employees must embrace diversity and value the opinions and experiences of others.

Emerson Women in STEM is an internal organization that caters to women engineers in the company. The group is funded by Emerson and covers the dues of its 200 members. Additionally, it organizes regional events and outreach activities. Initially called Emerson Women in Engineering, the group was renamed to Women in STEM to promote equality and empowerment among Emerson employees. Emerson Women in STEM also utilizes leadership and human resources to promote awareness of the program and encourage women to join.

Emerson US has a commitment to creating an inclusive work environment for all faculty members, and it has already begun to implement initiatives to promote diversity in the college. All faculty members will participate in an intercultural fluency workshop every three years, either at the department level or discipline-specific. During this workshop, faculty members will be mentored on effective pedagogy that supports diversity. Additionally, the dean of the School of Arts will organize a faculty reading and discussion program to further promote diversity and inclusion.

Embracing diversity

Emerson US values a diverse and inclusive workforce, and is committed to developing an environment in which employees of all backgrounds, cultures, and experiences can succeed. This is reflected in the company's values and communications strategy. The diversity strategy recognizes the unique perspectives of different people and encourages the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Diversity is defined as "getting the right mix to work together." Inclusion fosters the development of diverse, high-quality talent by fostering transparency in human capital processes. Employees feel valued and belong at Emerson US. Several examples of behaviors that promote an inclusive environment are outlined below.

Diversity in teams is a key factor in improving innovation and creativity. Research shows that diverse teams foster innovative ideas, and experiences with different perspectives lead to novel ideas and different approaches to problem solving. In addition, diversity fosters innovative leadership that embraces the ever-changing world of work and seeks ways to improve organizations.

In addition to diversity in hiring practices, the company is also dedicated to diversity research. For example, they use the services of a consulting firm called Paradigm. This firm has a mission to transform corporate culture by helping companies create more diverse, inclusive workplaces. Its diversity strategy is based on data and analysis, which helps identify and implement small-win diversity and inclusion strategies.

Emerson US values diversity in the workplace, and the company is committed to hiring legally licensed U.S. citizens and permanent residents. As a part of this effort, the company supports employee resource groups and welcomes diversity. The company is committed to creating a harassment-free environment.

Emerson has achieved a perfect score in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). The CEI measures corporate diversity and inclusion policies and benefits practices. Emerson stands out in the CEI for its LGBTQ+ Allies Employee Resource Group, which has grown to 800 employees in 35 countries.

A diverse and inclusive workplace is essential to innovation and financial performance. Companies that have a diverse workforce are more resilient to the challenges that arise during a crisis.

Measuring diversity-related KPIs

Measuring diversity-related KPIS can help companies better understand how diverse their workforce is. For example, measuring the diversity of senior leadership can help identify problems or barriers. Because senior leadership is the face of the organization, having a diverse group of executives can be important in terms of establishing a strong employer brand and attracting values-driven talent. This data can also be helpful in understanding the demographic makeup of worker applicants for promotions.

The importance of diversity cannot be underestimated. Research shows that a diverse workforce has higher employee retention. Inclusion measures, for example, have found that employees who work with diverse teams are more likely to stay with the company. Ultimately, this is good news for employers and employees alike.

When choosing the right metrics to measure diversity, it's critical to keep in mind the ultimate goal of the diversity effort. Ideally, diversity-related KPIs are directly tied to performance outcomes. These are often quantified in terms of financial benefit. For example, if the goal is to increase innovation, diversity can be measured by the number of patents, examples of process and service innovation, and new revenue.

Diversity-related KPIs should serve three purposes: to identify problem areas, track progress, and calculate return on investment. First, they should identify underrepresentation. Underrepresentation can be the result of unconscious or conscious bias and can occur across the employee lifecycle. Diversity-related KPIs should also identify gender imbalance in specific roles. For example, men tend to dominate higher-paying roles such as technical specialists and revenue-generating positions. Meanwhile, women generally fill lower-level support roles.

For a company to have a truly inclusive workforce, the company must make a lasting commitment to the inclusion and diversity process. This means continuous feedback from diverse perspectives. This allows learnings to be translated into actionable changes. In addition, metrics for diversity must be CEO-driven and leader-managed, and they should be monitored continuously.

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