
Downy Yellow Violet

Downy Yellow Violet


Downy Yellow Violet

Viola pubescens is among 800 species belonging to the violaceae family. It is ubiquitous all throughout central and northern Illinois. It is native to Eastern North America. Its range extends from Wyoming in the West to Washington D.C, its eastern edge and from Texas in the South, up North to Saskatchewan and Ontario. It spreads over seven provinces in Canada and 38 states in the United States. The Downy Yellow Violet is most prevalent in the eastern and northeastern regions of the United States, and the southwest of Canada.

Climate: The climate in this geographic range is temperate humid. The summers are hot and the winters intensely cold. Average temperatures within the geographic range of the Downy Yellow Violet have average January temperatures of 0° F to 50° F and average July temperatures between 60° F and 80° F. Maximum temperatures in the summer range from 90° F to 100° F, while minimum temperatures in the winter vary from -40° F to 20° F. On average, rainfall is registered between 20 and 50 inches. It is most frequent during the spring and summer. This is key to the subsistance of the viola pubescens as it develops in habitats that are faintly moist to moderately wet. The preference is partial sun to light shade. Its natural habitat include meadows, low woods, sandy woodlands and woodlands. (Source: www.lakeforest.edu)




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